Workshop slides

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Note: Because I’m a medical anthropologist living in Los Angeles, California, a lot of my resources bend toward healthcare and tech. Please feel free to email me with resources beyond this area and regional focus so I can share them here:

Ethnography-industry networking and resources

EPIC website with ethnographic-focused job board, events, and annual conference

Ethnography Matters website that I don’t think is active, but has a great Slack channel for conversations around ethnography; also listserv

Mixed Methods blog, Medium, podcast, and Slack channel about user experience

Versatile PhD online community of social scientists and scientists, job board, networking, meetups in big cities

Ethnobreakfast google group of applied anthropologists in Bay Area, meetup locally to connect and read; groups all over the world that get together to talk about ethnography, design thinking, UX, and service design

Service Design Network international professional society

Practical Service Design blog, podcast, and Slack channel community

Design Gigs for Good google group job board at the intersection of design and social impact.

Internationalistas: private fb group of women working in development, humanitarian, campaigns, research, activism, art, journalism

Resume, Cover Letter, Portfolio, LinkedIn, and other professionalization resources

Create a stellar LinkedIn profile, workshop slides

The CV of failures,

Good resume examples, formatting: 1 2

Good resume and portfolio example, anthropologist

LinkedIn world of anthropologists

Zoom conference calling platform, educational discount

Portfolium: a social networking platform company that allows university students and grads to connect with businesses and employers and present their previous academic work and projects to supplement their resumes

Creating a website resources


Squarespace 50% discount for students

Good website examples, some specific to healthcare and tech, of my some of my favorite social scientists doing cool work out in the world: Tricia Wang. Dayna Glabeau. Soo-Young Chin. Sam Ladner.

Research institutes


RAND nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis

RTI International: another non-profit institution that provides research and technical services—and hires social scientists!

Facebook Research offers full-time industry positions, new grad and postdoc positions, and PhD internship programs

James Hutton Institute UK-based research institute focusing on environmental research, including food, energy and environmental security (thanks Daksha for the recommendation!)

Examples, specific to healthcare:

PIRE nonprofit merging scientific knowledge and practice to create solutions that improve the health, safety, and well-being

Friends Research Institute non-profit research organization to promote health and wellbeing

Veteran’s Affairs, special issue showcasing anthropology at VA

Kaiser Permanente has hired anthropologists and sociologists at Oakland, Northwest locations

IBM Watson Health focus on advancing healthcare through tech, has hired anthropologists

Tobacco-Related Research Program funds research that enhances understanding of tobacco use and related diseases in California

Foundation Brocher multidisciplinary research institute focused on medical development, bioethics, and public health policy; offers residencies for write up and exchange

Interesting things to read


Profiles in Practice articles on anthropologists working outside of academia, including National Parks Service and National Institute of Health

Academic Precarity in American Anthropology: A Forum a Cultural Anthropology series published online in 2018, with interesting stats on # PhDs vs. # of jobs—and what anthropology should do about it

Remote freelancing resources


Not recommended because these opportunities are often a dead end and pay very little, but if you need to pay the bills ASAP—look for gigs that need analysis (Nvivo, Atlas.ti, etc.) over copyediting. Analysis will pay more and there is less competition since every single PhD student out there is vying for copyediting jobs!

Upwork meat market of remote jobs

Kolabtree more specialized jobs